Prophet Yusuf (a)

Prophet Yusuf (a)

Prophet Yusuf (a)
The Pharaoh of Egypt
called Firawn had many
people working for him.
One of his assistants had
a very wicked wife who
said many things about
Yusuf that were quite
untrue. She thought
she loved him but he
told her that she should
honour her husband.
She became very angry
and persuaded her
husband to have Yusuf
put in prison.
While he was in prison,
Yusuf used to tell everyone
what their dreams meant
and his explanation of the
dreams always came true.
Allah had given Yusuf
this great gift.
Firawn kept
having a strange dream
and none of his wise men
could explain what it meant.
Then Firawn heard of
Yusuf's great gift and
sent for him.
Yusuf would not leave
the prison until he had
proven his innocence.
Firawn had an inquiry
and discovered that Yusuf
really was innocent, so
he was able to leave prison.

Firawn's dream was most
unusual. In it, he saw
seven skinny cows eat
seven big fat ones and
there were seven skinny
ears of wheat and
seven fat ears of wheat.
Yusuf explained that
this meant there would
be seven years of plenty
but seven years of famine
would follow, when there
would be no water and
no food for anyone.

After that there would
be a year of rain.
Firawn liked and trusted
Yusuf so he put him in
charge of all the store houses
in the land.
Yusuf had worked himself
up to a very powerful position.
Allah always rewards
good people.
Yusuf worked hard; he
made sure the store houses
were filled with wheat and
Just as he had said,
there were seven years
of plenty. Those years
passed very quickly.
Soon the seven years of
famine came. The crops
failed. People were
hungry. Others were
Yusuf had planned for
this. He opened his
stores and let everyone
have some of the wheat.
Back in Palestine,
Israil too was facing
a hard time with
no food for his family
or the animals.
He sent his sons to
Egypt to get grain from
the famous treasurer of
Egypt. When they arrived
they were told that they
must get permission from
the governor to buy grain.
They went to see him, but
did not realise that the
fine man, in splendid robes was
really their brother. He told
them they could have some
grain, but if they wanted
any more, they would have
to come with their youngest
brother and parents.
Yusuf had recognised them
straight away and he longed
to see his father, mother
and young brother Benjamin
Eventually the eleven
brothers returned with
their mother and father.
They bowed down before Yusuf.
Yusuf put his father on his
throne and reminded him of
the dream he had had so long ago.
The sun, the moon and
eleven stars had bowed
down before him just as
his father, mother and
brothers had done at this
meeting, This was a great
moment in his life
and he thanked
Allah, for all He
had done for him.